
 Authorized by CAPES on February 3rd / 2006, the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Environmental Engineering of the IF Fluminense (PPEA) started its first Master's degree in Vocational mode in August 2006. The Program, totally free of charge, is the only modality belonging to the Area of Engineering taught in our region. The objective of the course is to incorporate and / or deepen the environmental dimension in the training of professionals in the technological area, that works in corporations, and bodies of the National Environmental System, in order to provide the construction of alternatives that combine regional development and environmental quality, for governmental initiative and private initiative and organized civil society. It is intended for professionals graduated in Engineering, Technology Courses, Natural Sciences and related areas, preferably already inserted in the labor market, and who need to incorporate and / or deepen the environmental dimension in their training, that has a view to the application in the practical solution of environmental problems, providing them with the possibility of undertaking a qualified professional activity focused on the promotion of regional sustainability.

 The Vocational Master's Degree in Environmental Engineering, Area of Concentration in Regional Sustainability, is a 2-year Program and has an annual admission. Students must complete at least 37 credits, of which 12 are mandatory subjects, 12 are elective courses and 13 are in research activities, totaling 555 hours minimum. The Master Program offers two lines of research: Environmental Assessment, Management and Conservation and Development, Sustainability and Innovation.

 The PPEA has the collaboration of environmental professionals from several partner institutions such as UFRJ (LAGEOP and LAGESSOLOS / Institute of Geography, Nucleus in Ecology and Socioenvironmental Development of Macaé - NUPEM), UERJ (Polytechnic Institute - Nova Friburgo), UENF, IBAMA, ICMBio, Macaé and Rio das Ostras Basin Committee, Baixo Paraíba do Sul River Basin Committee, FIRJAN, IMMT, FUNEMAC, FURNAS, and PETROBRAS, as well as civil society organizations, such as APAJ ALA, ECOANZOL and CNFCN. It also counts on the support of CNPq, ANA, MCT-CT Hidro, the Ministry of Cities, the extinct Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture, and the Ministry of the Environment to carry out completed and ongoing research and outreach projects. It is also worth highlighting FAPERJ's involvement in the financial support for the research projects of the professors of the PPEA, in particular the one granted through the Call for Support to Engineering 2011, whose contribution was fundamental for the improvement of our facilities, office, laboratories, and also for the scholarships offered to the students. At International Cooperation level, the PPEA has signed Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) for the development of joint research projects with the following Canadian institutions: Winnipeg University and Vancouver Island University, as well as with the Instituto Superior de Lisboa in Portugal.

 As a result of the institutional expertise characterized by the work and projects developed by the PPEA team, in 2015, IFF was accredited as a Brazilian Industrial Research and Innovation Center (EMBRAPII) in the environmental area. The EMBRAPII-IFFluminense cluster develops research lines for industrial innovation associated with the PPEA: (1) Technologies for Energy Management and Renewable Sources of Energy, working physically at the Campos Innovation Campus (PICG); (2) Technologies for Waste Management; (3) Technologies for Water Resources Management; (4) Environment and Materials; and (5) Bioremediation of Contaminated Areas.

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