
Profnit is a PosGraduate Program in Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Innovation stricto sensu, dedicated to the improvement of professional training to act in the competencies of Technological Innovation Centers (NITs) and in the Environments that Promote Innovation in the various academic sectors, business, government, social organizations, among others.


The general objectives of The Programa are:

1. The training of qualified personnel for the exercise of research, technological extension and higher teaching, considered inseparable in the field of Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer for Technological Innovation to exercise the competences of the Technological Innovation Centers and environments that promote Innovation 

2. The incentive to research in the area of Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer and Technological Innovation, under the interdisciplinary perspective to exercise the competences of the Technological Innovation Centers and environments that promote Innovation;

3. The production, diffusion and application of knowledge related to Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer for Technological Innovation aiming at Local, Regional and National Development.

Target Audience: Candidates with higher education in any area, who work in the market and who intend to deepen their knowledge in the area, as well as to properly deal with the innovations and registrations of their products and services.

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